Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Daily RANT...

So, I'm sitting here idling on my fifth of approximately twenty-five thousand essay questions, which are all due on Thursday, worrying about the SAT, which is only a month away, and cursing my laptop, which has a shimmering stripe right down the middle of the screen.

But, you know what? None of this is my worst problem.

No, the worst problem currently facing me is...DRIVING. God, am I the only one who freezes in absolute horror every time I plunk my fat little butt behind a steering wheel? It's terrible. I control this huge machine, which is entirely capable of killing up to a hundred people including me, and the only thing between me and utter destruction is MY REFLEXES.

Okay. Let me repeat this again. MY REFLEXES, which are approximately equal to the reflexes of a sloth who has been buried ten miles underground in a nuclear bunker. Wow. It's a wonder people don't just start screaming when they see my car.

I hate driving. Hate, hate hate it. Probably no-one cares, because no-one actually reads this blog. But wow. If I could remove one element from my life, it would be cars. Because everyone needs to use public transportation anyway. Hell, I would use public transportation if it weren't for the fact that my school has no bus, and also it's pretty much impossible to hitch a ride from Phoenix to uptown Scottsdale. But we're getting into a whole other issue there, which I don't feel like going into on the interwebz, thanks much.

On the other hand: Only three-odd more months until winter break! :D HOW DOES ANY JUNIOR EVER SURVIVE? AT ALL? THIS IS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS.

Rant, rant, rant. Rantrantrant. RAAAAAAANT.

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