Thursday, April 9, 2009


In the end we will all kneel at God's feet,
or maybe at the feet of Mother Nature or some
unheeding and hooded fate,
and we will wish for silence so that
we might better hear our future.
We will stare into the blackness of uncertainty,
stripped of our carapace of lies
and faithless before the presence
of limitless faith.
Then we'll remember the days
when we curled up in our boxes
and beds
and succumbed to the stories
of a lurid paradise.
We'll look back at the days spent
chasing the perfect life
and wonder if things would be better
if we saved memories of small things
and collections of the real
in the corners and closets
of our mind
to be released later, fireflies,
into the darkening skies
of our existence.


  1. What an ending!

    if we saved memories of small things
    and collections of the real
    in the corners and closets
    of our mind
    to be released later, fireflies,
    into the darkening skies
    of our existence.

    I love it!

  2. very nice..."stripped of our carpace of lies" and "corners and closets of our minds" I liike very much. Keep writing

  3. the reality you have described is breathtaking when it comes to the end...
