Tuesday, February 9, 2010

School Again.

I'm typing this while simultaneously trying to watch an instructional video about Teddy Roosevelt, which is no small feat, let me tell you. Especially since I am sitting less than two feet from my erstwhile history teacher. At least it's not like it was in middle school -- if you pulled out your laptop then, you were instantly surrounded by a curious crowd. Hey, whatcha typing? Why aren't you playing RuneScape? Are you typing about me? Didja know I got a rune scimmy from PKing last night? Bosh.

Anyhow, what was I going to say? I forget. History is really upsetting these days. So are chemistry and math...but then, math is always traumatizing. I hope my math teacher never reads this; she'll kill me. You never can trust math majors.

Same with biology, I assume.

Valentine's Day is in a week! Oorah.

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